Sunday 16 November 2014


For real, finding the right partner to spend the rest of one’s life with is not always easy. It comes with so many challenges as there are factors to consider before settling down with one. While many would prefer settling for a partner with good character, some would certainly see the financial capability of the partner as a plus. Though experts say money should not be the primary determinant in the choice of a life partner, how many people would marry somebody who is not financially stable?
Here's what some single ladies and guys have to say on this controversial issue:

I can’t have good life with a rich cheating man... - Kenny Damilare

As enticing as it can be, I cannot marry a rich but cheating dude. There are many STDs out there and it is sure that one day, he will contract one of them, transfer it to me and then, I will start treating the disease with the money. That is not a good life. Apart from that, since he may think it is his wealth that attracted me to him, he may not respect me and may not have much time for me. There are many ladies out there for him, you know. With a poor but faithful guy, we can get rich together if we work hard. After all, poverty is a status that can be changed with determination.
He can cheat, but he must be rich... - Anita Chi

Who needs a man’s faithfulness these days? It is unfortunate that his faithfulness will not put food on the table if he is poor. He can cheat for all I care, but he must be rich. And what even guarantees that the poor faithful guy will not end up cheating also if he becomes rich? There is no marriage that is 100 per cent perfect; compromises will have to be reached in many cases and that does not portray the woman as desperate. My husband’s riches will cover up for his cheating behaviour. I don’t care.

I don’t mind marrying a poor man who is ambitious... - Abimbola Kajotoni

If a man is poor now but ambitious, I would not mind. It is only a man that is poor and useless at the same time that a woman should avoid by all means. He will frustrate you. Since poverty is a disease that can be cured, I will rather go for a man who is poor now but who is hard working and has the mentality of success than go for a rich cheating man who will keep hurting my feelings and make me feel inferior. Success built together lasts longer than the one which is not worked for.
Riches don’t guarantee a happy home... - Omalasoye Adeola

I cannot be attracted to a man because he is rich, even if he is not the cheating type. I will go where my heart leads me. If God gives me the go-ahead to marry the poor guy, I will go for him. I know that poverty is not permanent. Meanwhile, we do not need to have so much money before we live comfortably. In fact, riches do not guarantee a comfortable life at times. I will rather marry a man who is faithful but has little money than marry a lousy rich man whose wealth can even diminish at any time.
It’ll be very difficult to decide... - Badaru Tosin

A woman cannot know a man’s real attitude when he is poor. If a man is poor but faithful, who knows whether he will change his attitude when he becomes rich? Because the actions of human beings cannot be predicted, I will only depend on God to make a decision. However, I will definitely not settle for a rich cheating dude. He is not a better alternative. If a man is rich but has natural weaknesses, that is better, but not going around town and sleeping with other women.
A poor but faithful woman is a treasure... - Oremule Ayobami

I will go for a poor and faithful woman anytime, any day. With her, my mind is settled. There will be no need to have high blood pressure. There is no need to monitor her steps. I will have peace and respect from her. I will also go to any length for such a woman to make her happy. I will be motivated to work hard and make more money to take care of such a woman. She will be a treasure that deserves to be well taken care of.
If she fears God and is rich, I’ll be happier... - Adewuyi Seun

Marrying a rich cheating woman would only give one unsettled mind and can even lead to one’s untimely death while living with a poor but faithful woman can at least give one peace of mind. As for me, what matters most is that the woman should have the fear of God, no matter her financial status. A rich woman with the fear of God is okay because being poor does not give the assurance that the woman will not cheat. If she fears God and she’s rich, I will be happier. If she is poor and fears God, we can still build our lives together.
I prefer poor, but encouraging partner... - Teniola Ayodeji

A man who is poor but visionary will not be attracted to a rich woman in the first place. He will work hard and stay on course until he also becomes successful. With this hope constantly burning in him, he will not mind his present condition. He knows that one day, things will be better. If he eventually marries a rich woman, he will count it as a plus to his life, not as an opportunity. In short, I will not go for a rich, cheating partner. A poor, faithful and encouraging type is better by far.
Marrying a rich woman can make a man lose focus... - Akande Emmanuel

The truth is: money has wings and it can fly anytime. In other words, I cannot marry a woman because she is rich not to talk of combining cheating with her status. It is definitely a no-go area. A hard working man like me will put in his best to ensure he succeeds in life against all odds. In fact, marrying a rich woman can be a temptation that may make a man to lose focus in life. However, if a rich lady has good attitude and we love each other, of course, we can marry.
I prefer a poor but hard-working lady... - Aina Oluwakoya

Riches do not make marriage rosy. It is only faithfulness and respect for each other that count. I will not sacrifice my self-worth because of a woman’s wealth. There are so many rich couples out there who are frustrated – some of them have no settled homes because they ignore the foundation of a successful marriage. They are rich but lonely. I prefer a poor, faithful, hard working and positive woman to a rich, desperate and cheating one. With the former, we can turn around our fortune together and we will live happily thereafter even when things seem not to be smooth initially.

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